New Directions in Post-Pandemic College Campuses

Many California Colleges are rethinking their physical campuses, assessing how to repurpose or eliminate aging facilities to reduce operating costs. They also want to differentiate their brand and program of learning options, to attract returning and future students. The majority of students look forward to full-time, in-person learning, others want to be on campus, at least part time, to augment their online courses.

 To succeed in today’s environment, colleges must look at campus spaces to understand whether their programs truly meet the needs of today’s students or can be put to better use. For example, large meeting rooms may be less valuable today than collaborative learning spaces.

 Graphic Solutions develops flexible, scalable wayfinding programs that adapt as needed, while highlighting and differentiating your brand. We do this by establishing a deep understanding about your goals, desired outcomes and milestones in collaboration with your key stakeholders. Additionally, we offer signage guidelines to maintain a consistent aesthetic in your wayfinding program as it evolves. 

 Please visit us at the CCFC Conference, Booth #35 on Thursday, November 4th to learn more about how Graphic Solutions can support your campus efforts and pick up your free copy of our Wayfinding Best Practices Case Study.